
The Mystic Tan™ Booth is designed to deliver a customized sunless tanning application to each customer based on their body size, skin type, and desired color.

There are three tanning level options available to produce the optimal tanning results for each individual customer. Once the proper tanning level for a new customer has been determined they are shown a short instructional video, which is designed to walk them through the entire process step-by-step.

This insures that each customer receives the exact same instructions on how to get the best results. Inside the Mystic Tan™ room the tanner simply disrobes and enters the booth. With the push of a button the session begins with a fine mist of Aloe Vera enriched Sunless-Tanning Solution being sprayed through our proprietary patented Magnetan nozzles.

The Magnetan Technology insures uniform coverage over the entire body, which our proprietary sunless tanning solution instantly transforms into a quick natural-looking tan that continue to darken throughout the day.

A perfectly uniform, natural looking tan in less than 60 seconds!

Mystic Tan
Sunless Tanning

Air Brush Tan California Tan Mystic Tan State Of The Art European Beds